When I began this journey towards $5,000+ for a two month mission trip, I knew the path would not be easy and it hasn't. In the last two months, however, I have been completely overwhelmed. I started out this journey, right at the beginning, needing $300 for my deposit in my mission trip account.
The weekend I was accepted I raised $300 from a garage sale that we had. But even though God had provided that, I began to have a lot of doubts. I mean, $5,000 is a lot of money, or at least it seems such without God. I began to worry incessantly about where it would come from, what I would do if I couldn't go, if I really was supposed to go, etc. Then I read a verse in my quiet time from 2 Corinthians 5, which also holds other of my favorite verses. But this was verse 7, "For we will walk by faith, not by sight." That is exactly what I needed because I knew I wanted to be able to see, for sure and certain, that I would have everything all laid out for me to go on this mission trip. Following Christ doesn't mean that I will be able to see the ways He will provide for me before He does it, but rather stepping out in faith is doing something you know will not succeed unless God steps in and that seems to be exactly what I have done. I knew going into this that I would not automatically have all the money I needed but yet I still said 'Yes Lord, I believe that You will do this.' I have been stretched in my faith a lot in the last two months. Though it has been hard, God finally has me at a place where I am beginning to really know what trusting Him for my everything means. That doesn't mean I don't worry anymore, because of course I do but I can be comforted by the truth God has spoken to me. In these past two months God has provided $1,800 and I love talking about it because I know that there is no way I could have ever gotten it by myself. God has blessed my exceedingly and He continues to do so! I continue to press on planning, praying and trusting for the rest of the money. Be encouraged and know that God provides for all of our
“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Matthew 6:34