Monday, December 17, 2012

God's Promise (Day Thirteen)

     June 23rd, 2012     Kathmandu, Nepal

     I woke up homesick. It is never good when that happens. I cried while brushing my teeth because of how much I missed my family. Sarah prayed with me, but I still felt like going home, or just curling up and crying.
     During quiet time, the Lord told me ot trust Him. Over and over- I need to trust Him, because He had brought me here and loves me. I was feeling a lot better at breakfast, and then I had to call home. I talked to mom and she said she wanted to know which team I was on, so she asked on the facebook page and Candace (my Project Director) replied, 'We love Leigha!'
     I lost it and started crying. I miss them so much- but this love, it is a blessing. A huge blessing!
     We went to church and it was beautiful. I went to teach a Children's program and the kids were SO well behaved. They were five years old and under and were great at singing! They sund for over an hour! We taught them songs, shared a lesson and then gave them toys and purses. Then we took pictures and left for home. It was raining when we left and it reflected my emotions. We at PB&J as always and then I went with Beka to her room and we laid down to talk and rest. We didn't sleep but we had a good time resting and talking. Steph came in and laid down with us for a while. I have really been struggling with not ever getting to rest  enough. We are always going or doing something. We have every detail and minute scheduled for us. It is hard to not be able to just sit, but today was nice to finally be able to do just that.
     We had one ministry site for the day, a home for women and children whose husbands and fathers are in prison. We did our drama and sand for them the Papya sond! the boys were so sweet and we broke out into a dance party! They gave us tea and we colored pictures together. We took our shoes off coming in and had to put them back on as we left. It is so encouraging to see them and play with them!
     On the drive home we saw a HUGE rainbow, the whole thing, suspended right over the slums. God is speaking to me, 'My promise is true even in Nepal, even here.' God is so faithful- we can never lose hope with Him!
     Dinner was amazing! We were so hungry and ate so much! My team invited girls from the other team to eat with us and we all shared about how everything is going for each of us. We got messages tonight! We were all so stoked to hear from family and friends and we shared our notes with each other.
     Then Candace told us such exciting news that we all freaked out! Tomorrow is a free day! We are all so exausted and we are looking forward to a day of rest. God is so good, to bless us with this!
     Tonight was our last part of the relationship talk, from Candace for the girls. She is almost forty and no man is in her life. she told us, "Now I don't want you to start praying, 'Lord, don't put me on the forty year plan!'" It is really a trust issue! If God has a man for any of us, He will be faithful to bring this man to each of us at the perfect time. I should above all, seek the will of God for my life. Candace shared a great analogy... (and here is where I cut my journal entry because only the girls should know about this analogy. Lets just say... some of us want cheesecake.) ...God has such great things planned for me in my life- when I trust Him, those things are revealed.
     I am learning each day, more and more, what it means to fully depend on the Lord.

     Highlights of the day!
     *Nap time with Beka and Steph. Those two girls are so sweet! I am surrounded by believers who not only love the Lord, but are living like it. Express your love for Jesus by OBEDIENCE!
     *The Papya song (For the benefit of those who have not sung it all summer)
     I like Bananas. (Wooo!) I think that mangos are sweet. I like papyas. Papyas? But nothing can beat the sweet... -clapping- love. of. God.
     I was walking roung in circles going five miles an hour, trying to find my way back to the Heavenly Father. The world tasted sweet, but soon turned sour. But then I let Him in and I received His power! I..I...I...I. I... I. I. I. eyeyeyeyeye! (Repeat Begining.) 
     *Putting funny questions in the 'question box' for the TL's. 'Can we order pizza?' 'Can we have chocolate?' 'Could we make ice?' 'When do we get some more messages?'

     The thing about being homesick is that even when I missed home, my time in Nepal was still amazing. I was just remembering that childrens home we went to. All my memories from the summer are a little jumbled because it seems like they all kind of mush together. What day did each thing happen? Sometimes I can't even remembered all of the amazing things that God did, which should NEVER happen!
    I love Nepal, so much. That rainbow, suspended over the slums... I forgot about it. I forgot about God's promise, how He spoke to my heart and reminded me that His promise is not forgotten in Nepal. Here, back in the US for so many months, I sometimes seem to forget the important things. But I am never getting over Nepal, and I look to the rainbows and will remember God's promise for Nepal.
All of the lovely children!

Family dinners. ah. =)

Sweet Lauren! I loved getting to spend time with her!

Steph, Beka and I all had lovely scarves and needed to take a picture, like we were a club. :p

Our water bottles all have names. And where is Waldo?