Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pressing on... (Day Two)

     June 12th, 2012 - Garden Valley, Texas Day Two

     The quote I posted yesterday about how the missionaries 'died before they got there' seems more appropriate for today.
     all day was drama training. We worked hard and prayed for grace when we fail. Hours upon hours of doing an 8-count and nailing out steps because THIS is our tool to share the Gospel! The ground in the pavillion, where we spent our day training, ahs fiber glass in it. After rolling around, kneeling in it, and 'falling' into it, we itch. But because of God's grace, we didn't spend our afternoon complaining. Instead, we focused on the true prize- christ. When I felt my thoughts were becoming unkind, I prayed for Grace. Grace. Grace. Grace. And God met me and covered me with His grace. It is incredibly hard, but I am not doing it through myself- God is in strength seperating me from my human selfishness and ultimate sin. I can't love like He does if I seek to do it on my own.
     This work I get to be a part of, not only this summer but for my whole life, it is His work. I am not reliable or dependable, and I cannot change hearts. But I trust that everything God tells me is completely true. And He says He is a miracle worker- I believe it! Therefore I don't have to have the right words or perfect drama, because it is God who does the work. But I MUST put the effort in, do my ABSOLUTE best because I am representing Christ! 'God's work done in God's way will never lack supply.' - Hudson Taylor. God supplies ALL of our needs and the needs of others!
     God uses the willing. I am willing. My hope is that God will completely wreck me during this trip. That He will change me to the point that I am never the same.
     I have so MANY failures. But praise the Lord, because He is faithful and righteous to forgive me my sins and to cleanse me from ALL unrighteousness. Even my thoughts. My judging, unfocused, corrupted thoughts.
     Even though this day was incredibly long, it was completely worth it! We are going to use our drama to share the Gospel! We had drama training until 11:30 as night, but it is so worth it. This is the Gospel and we are representing Him! A-S-I-A, Asia! I am going to Nepal so very soon and I am bringing the good news to those who have NEVER heard! Praise the Lord!
     Acts 14:7 - And they were preaching the Gospel there.
     May I preach the gospel EVERYWHERE because this is truth! Amen.

     Highlights from today:
  •      Being with the team all day and joyfully praising the Lord 'just because'. Rolling in fiber glass and practicing our drama over and over until our 'miracle man' rises from the dead. My team loves Jesus!
  • Our projects chant- 'A-S-I-A, Asia! A-S-I-A, Asia! A-S-I-A, Asia! LOVES God
                                    A-S-I-A, Asia! A-S-I-A, Asia! A-S-I-A, Asia! NEEDS God
                                    A-S-I-A, Asia! A-S-I-A, Asia! A-S-I-A, Asia! OBEYS God
                                    In the Nation of Asia, Theres a new generation,
                                   Designed from creation, Jesus Christ our motivation!
                                    A-S-I-A, Asia! A-S-I-A, Asia! A-S-I-A, Asia! LOVES GOD
  • Worship was amazing! God speaks to me and I get to worship Him with all that I am! He is worthy of all prause and my heart just sings because of Him- ALL He has done! Reading His word breathes life in me because it is truth and wisdom- good stuff!

This day was so hard because of all of the training, but obviously every second was worth it! From sun up to sun down, I was loving it. The day kind of felt like a summer camp, yet I knew that I was not at camp. I was getting ready for a whole new kind of summer. God definetely breathed peace and joy in my soul even through a day that seemed it would never end! I loved getting to know my team better and learning what we were going to be doing all summer, but it wasn't easy. Drama training. Ah.

The Pavillion where we Drama Training was held.

Inside the pavillion... fiber glass.

Drama training! We will finish this...
Eating lunch with the Nepal project, taking a break from training.

PB&J! Yes, this is what we ate for lunch all summer. Can I get a 'yummy!'?

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