Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Taj (Day Thirty)

     July 10th, 2012 - New Delhi, India
     5AM feels way too early to be out of bed, but that is the time we had to be at breakfast. All I remember is that I was exhausted  But after breakfast we walked down the same street that was dangerous, busy and crowded yesterday, but today at 6am, it was deserted except for a few people. 
     We got on the bus for a four hour drive to the Taj Mahal, but Julia and Aaliyah needed to go to the hospital, so we parked the bus outside and I slept for most of the time. What was hoped to be a fifteen minute trip turned into a two hour trip, and Aaliyah was still not done. We took Julia and headed for the Taj. I slept a huge portion of the drive, but I was getting extremely motion sick. I woke up to nasty black water dripping on my from the AC on the bus, but it was only on one side of the bus, so I moved to the other side, as did everyone else. The nasty black water soaked the seats that we evacuated. I really was not feeling well and when we finally stopped for lunch, I wasn't sure I could eat. The only thing that keeps me going is that I would rather be sick on a free day than a ministry day.
     Sierra kept telling us that after we went to the Taj Mahal we could call it the Taj. It was really beautiful, but what kills me is that this has become a place of idol worship. It is cool to have been to the Taj, I can't believe I have been there. But I didn't come here for that. I came here for the chance to share the Gospel with people.
     Afterwards we went to a marble detail work shop and were able to see all the intricate work it took for the Taj Mahal to be completed. Crazy! 
     Then there was the four hour drive back. I seriously have felt so bad today, but I am always told, 'Don't declare it!' But what am I supposed to do when I feel miserable? Whether I declare it or not, I am sick and I want to feel better. I want to be ready for more ministry. 
     The ride home was long, and we stopped for a bathroom break in the dark at a little, kind of sketchy rest stop area. After that, we drove straight to New Delhi. We walked through the street back to our hotel, ate dinner at midnight, and then crawled into bed.
     I don't know what reason Jesus has for me being sick, but I am trusting Him with my body because he created me with care. I just want to feel well soon- Jesus be merciful! Show me the reason you have me here for two months!

 The seat situation!

Lunch with these lovelies!

My first glimpse.

Holding the Taj

I'm here!

So beautiful.

The things we wore on our feet.

Such a tourist.

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