Love and hurry are fundamentally incompatible. Love always
takes time, and time is the one thing hurried people don’t have.
–John Ortberg
During the readings for one of my classes, this quote came
up. The more I think about it, the more I agree with it. I constantly feel
rushed, hurried, bound by deadlines and time management. I think it is
important to have a schedule and a plan, but I am always desiring more time to
spend with people. I truly value long talks with people or just simply spending
time together. Valuing a person means investing in their lives whether through
hearty laughs or many tears. The one thing relationships need is time. I wouldn’t
know my closest friends as well as I do unless I had spent countless hours with
them. Now on the other hand, I would probably know many people more deeply if I
invested more time in them.
As a college student, time is something I deeply value. When
I get a free moment, I like to be alone and cherish that moment. However, I
think there are times where I should stop the rushing and the feeling of being
bound by my schedule, and just let others have my time. When put in perspective,
my time is both extremely valuable and completely meaningless. Valuable because
my life is so very short, and I want to make my minutes count for something. It could be meaningless
because, when compared with eternity, it is a short span in an endless abyss.
Yet that is even more of why I should give my time away. I should not give it
carelessly, but with the deepest care for others. If I will truly love others,
I will reject the strangling grip of being hurried!
The time is so short. I have a mere seven weeks left before
the end of my freshman year of college. It seemed like the year would take so
much time, but now I am almost to the end and I don’t know where it all went. I
have many friendships I am extremely thankful for. Countless people have
invested in me, and I have been privileged to get to know many of the other
students in my class. I praise God for the deep friendships I have, and I ask Him
to teach me more of what love is. I ask Him to take away my sense of hurry, and
replace it with deep love.
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